Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One Time

Hey everyone! Check out this music video, you can also see it on my sidebar, but he's 15 and he's really cute. He's a good singer too but you can decide that.

One Time by Justin Bieber


The Start of School

Hey everyone! I started school four days ago on the 13th. Our schedules are a lot different from last year, but I'm glad because now I have a lot of classes with my friends, whereas last year I didn't. Some of the electives I'm taking are digital portfolios, drawing and painting, cooperative games (P.E.), drama, and Spanish. I only have two new teachers this year and they are both really nice. Ok that's prettymuch it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Catching up

Hey everyone! I haven't blogged in a while so there's some stuff to catch up on! I start school this Thursday and back-to-school night is tonight! I'm actually looking forward to starting school again. Last Wednesday me and my friends went boating/tubing. I had never done that before so it was pretty exciting, and really fun but we all got sunburned really bad. That's prettymuch everything exciting that's been happening.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Hey everyone! Today me and a ton of friends are going swimming. It's gonna be really fun even though it is extremely hot outside. That's about it!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tennis Matches and Harry Potter

Hey everyone! I just got back from my sister's tennis match that I was forced to go to. It was too hot, to long, and too boring!! Then my mom, sister, and I ran some errands. Nothing much else has been happening this summer. Just sleeping in every day which is one of my favorite things to do!

Last weekend I went to Boulder and had a sleepover with my best friend. It was REALLY fun. We went and saw the screening of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was 5 days before the premier, plus Devon Murray, the actor who plays Seamus Finnigan was there. He was so close that I could have reached out and poked him! The movie itself was really good. It was intense, and funny and I think they did a really good job in making it considering how elaborate the books are. But I think it was the best movie so far. Then when we got back to my friend's house, we had a Harry Potter marathon and watched 3 Harry Potter movies which was pretty fun. Anyways that's about it!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Babysitting, Baby Cousins, Movies, and Sleepovers

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while but I have been super busy! Actually no, that's a lie, I have just been too lazy to get up early enough to come to the office and use the computer. But anyways lots of stuff happening lately. I have been babysitting these 3 kids from my church for the past couple of days. One of them is 3, one of them is 5, and one of them is 7, so they are a handful. For the past 2 days my family has been watching my baby cousin who is 5 months old. She is SO adorable!!

Also, tomorrow I am going to Boulder to have a sleepover with my best friend. We are going to the screening of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It hasn't even come out yet, and one of the actors is going to be there so that should be really fun. Then on the 27 or 28 my best friend is coming over and staying for like a week! Fun fun! Ok that's about it!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hey everyone! Here's a couple of youtube videos that I like. The first five my best friend showed me. The last 3 are songs. The 6th one is my favorite song, and the last two are my two other favorites with meanings to them.
Freecreditreport.com commercials
Simon the Cat 'Cat man Do'
Simon the Cat 'Let me it!'
Simon the Cat 'Tv Dinner'
Your Guardian Angel
You Belong With Me

Art Class, Books, Movies and Dragon Lord

Hey everyone! I just got back from the last art class this summer. I finished making my pinata by layering fringed tissue paper on the paper mache'd shape. It actually turned out really cute! I named him Maurice. Then we had icecream. It was pretty fun.

The other night I finished my book, Peter and the Shadow Thieves it was pretty good. ( I had already read it like 3 times before) So now I am reading a new book that I have never read before. It's called The Mysterious Benedict Society and so far it's one of those books where you can't put it down. Of course none of my friends that are reading this would understand because you guys never read and call me a nerd because i do. (except maybe Lil.) I started it 2 nights ago and I am already half way through it (it's pretty thick.)

Last night I watched 2 movies. One was called Australia. Some of my friends that have seen it said it was really good, but I thought it was too long, kind of weird, and really hard to follow. It was ok but I wouldn't reccomend it. The other movie that I watched last night was actually a disc in a series that I have started watching called Gilmore Girls. It's pretty good so far.

Here's the Dragon Lord story: So my friend has her popular ex boyfriend's password for his email. So she was looking at his emails, and she found an email from one of those online games that say your account was successful or whatever. Anyways it was from this dragon game site and his username was dragonlord!! Both me and my friend were cracking up for like, half an hour because we realized what a dork he is! We compared him to those nerdy dorks who play video games 24/7 and lives in their mother's basement! Ha Ha it was really funny. And my friend was completely freaking out she was like "I can't beleive I dated him!! I mean DRAGON LORD!" it was SO funny! That's about it!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Last weekend me and three of my really good friends went up camping. We stayed over night and it was really fun. We played on a tire swing (i fell off lol) and went fishing and played cards and made s'mores and popcorn. We also hung out on a hammock, and in a tent. We had a lot of fun! Then on the way back my dad's truck had a flat tire so we were stranded on the side of a busy road for an hour while he fixed it. That's about it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Art Camp, My Fav Song, Camping

Hey everyone! I just finished an art camp that I'm taking this summer. We are starting to make pinatas. I just added some Youtube videos on my blog. It is Your Guardian Angel by Jumpsuit Apparatus. It's my favorite song now. There is one video that is the official music video, and the rest are all lyrics. My friend showed it to me. This weekend I am going camping with three of my really good friends. We are going to go up and spend the night. It will be REALLY fun. That's about it. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Hey everyone! So today and yesterday I had a sleepover with my friend. We looked at yearbooks, went to the Dollar Store, ate pizza and a TON of junk food, jumped on her trampoline, played with her toads, and had a silly string fight! We also watched You, Me, and Dupree. We stayed up until like, 4 in the morning so now I am really tired. That's about it! Thanks for reading my blog!

Monday, June 8, 2009

First Week of Summer

Hey everyone! This summer has been pretty boring so far. The first week of summer, I helped with my church's Vacation Bible School. I helped with the preschoolers. Last weekend I went camping with my dad and my sister. That was pretty fun. We went fishing and caught 12 big rainbow trout. Today I am going to go over to my friends house for a sleepover. That's about it!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Last Day

Hey everyone! Today was the last day of school. It was really fun! We played games and messed around the whole day. Then we had popsicles and signed eachother's yearbooks. Fun fun fun. Then I went swimming with a bunch of friends. We swam for like 3 hours. That's about it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finals, May Fair, Twin Day, Estes Park, BBQ

Hey everyone! The finals tests are coming up and I am really nervous! The study guides are really long, and a lot of the stuff on them I don't even remember doing! Lots of exciting stuff happening. This Friday is the school May Fair where there are a bunch of booths and prizes and other fun stuff like that. Our class is doing a photo booth where you can dress up in silly costumes and get your picture taken. It will be really fubn. Another thing happening on Friday is Twin Day! You find a friend and come to school dressed like twins, and whoever looks the most alike wins! Me and my friend Hannah are being twins, so that's going to be fun.

I forgot to post about when I went to Estes Park on May 1st. We stayed two nights until the 3rd. I went with my best friend, and we did a ton of fun stuff like craft making, (I made a set of jewelry) hiking, swimming, and playing cards. It was kind of rainy so that made it a little less fun but not that much. That was a while ago but I just thought I would throw that in there. Another thing that I forgot to mention was the church BBQ that I went to last Sunday. There was a silent auction and a raffle for an ipod touch. I didn't win the ipod touch but I did bid on some books that I got. My family bid on this two night trip to Estes Park and stay in this REALLY nice cabin that's just a few blocks away from downtown so we can go shopping. So in October we are going to go do that. That's about it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hey everyone! In English today we read this poem and I really liked it. Sorry but there is really nothing I can think of to post about so here's the poem.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!
--Rudyard Kipling
Hope you liked it. It kind of reminds me of those insurance companies that are like "for the if in life" lol.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Side Note

Hey everyone! I forgot to tell you in my last post: my dog got this haircut and it makes her look like a lion because her body is all skinny now but she still has a lot of hair on her head. So cute!! Anyways just an interesting fact.


Hey everyone! I am totally excited for summer to start! OMG it is gonna be so fun! One of my friends is gonna take us all boating, and another one of my friends is gonna take us all horse-back-riding and I am gonna take us all camping. It's gonna be exciting. Summer is usually really fun at first, but then I get really bored towards the end when you run out of things to do, but then school starts and it's not boring anymore! Ofcourse you probably already know all of this. I would love to know what everybody is doing for summer so post comments!

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Cricket Sang

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Today I thought I would post a poem. I know you are probably tired of my constantly blogging poems but I seriously am running out of topics to write about, so if anybody has an idea that they would like discussed, then you can post it under comments. Thanks! Anyways here is the poem:

The Cricket Sang

By Emily Dickinsen

The cricket sang,

And set the sun,

And workmen finished, one by one,

Their seam the day upon.

The low grass loaded with the dew,

The twilight stood as strangers do

With hat in hand, polite and new,

To stay as if, or go.

A vastness, as a neighbor, came,--

A wisdom without face or name,

A peace, as hemispheres at home,--

And so the night became.

Thanks for reading!



Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mother's Day

Hey everyone! Mother's Day is coming up in 11 days! Do you know what you are getting your mother? I don't know yet either. Be sure that whatever it is, it's something good because if your mother is anything like mine, she deserves the world. Here is a poem about mothers.

A Mother's Love
by Michael O. Adesanya

There are times only when a Mother's love

Can understand our tears,

Can soothe our disappointments

And calm all our fears.

There are times when only a Mother's Love

Can share the joy we feel

When something we've dreamed about

Quite suddenly is real

There are times when only a Mother's faith

Can help on life's way

And inspire in us the confidence

We need from day to day.

For a Mother's heart and a Mother's faith

And a Mother's steadfast love

Were fashioned by the Angels

And sent from God above...


Monday, April 20, 2009

Go Green

Hey everyone! Earth Day is in 2 days, on April 22. This is totally copied from my friend's blog where this is discussed in depth, but you can check hers out on my Friends links. (Sorry Lil. but if you think about it, it's like publicity for your blog. You can decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing) So anyways try your best to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. I am totally not eco-friendly so I figured I would post a blog so that all the other non-eco-friendly people would try to become eco-friendly people. Does that make any sense? Probably not but oh well. Anyways GO GREEN PEOPLE!!! Ha ha.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm Really Bored

Hey everyone! I am REALLY bored right now so I am posting on my blog. I don't really know what to post so I am just saying random things. I don't really have any random things to say so I guess I am done posting. Sorry bout that.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Hey everyone! Here is a poem that I really liked so I hope you liked it too

By Emily Dickinson

The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.

The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on.


My Weekend

Hey everyone! I just had a sleepover two of my best friends! It was really fun, we went to the teen rec dance, and watched movies all night. We also went to the park. Anyways that was my weekend.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hey everyone! I just wanted to tell you that my school is doing a play: Alice in Wonderland Jr. and you should come! There are four performances all together: the first one is Friday May, 8th at 6:00 (I think this is the correct time but I'm not completely positive) the second performance is Saturday May, 9th at 2:00 (again this is not for sure) the third performance is for elders and day cares, on the 11th, and the last performance is for our school on the 13th. Email me for more details. Hope you can make it!



Tuesday, March 31, 2009

School Update

Hey everyone! I am really bored right now. I am eating Ramen noodles, emailing/I.M.ing my friends, and being really tired. We had a Math test today on adding and subtracting polynomials, and we have a History test on Thursday on the Industrial Revolution. In comic-book-making class we made Garfield comics. Do you like Garfield? I don't like him as much as Peanuts cartoons. During third period we are making a solar powered car. We started building it yesterday. In Science we are learning about astronomy and telescopes. In English we are studying The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain. In Art we are drawing 3 dimentional cathedrals. It has also been really cold and windy for the past two days, but the snow is almost completely melted. Anyways that's about it.



Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Break

Hey everyone! I just got back from my five-day-sleepover with my best friend! It was so fun! We watched a ton of movies like Blades of Glory, FRIENDS, Juno, The Notebook, and lots of others. We played some board games like Scrabble and Life. We played in the snow (IN MARCH!!!) We went swimming at the APEX. We went shopping and I got two books, some pins, and a bag. I also ate this AMAZING cinnamon roll. Yummy! Anyways my that's what I did for Spring Break.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ten Things About Myself

Hey everyone! Here are ten things about myself that you should know:

  • My favorite colors are pink and purple

  • My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip

  • I was adopted from China

  • I am very picky

  • I am very short :)

  • I love to read

  • I love hanging out with friends

  • My favorite animals are dogs, pigs, sheep, cows, and chickens

  • I am a neat freak

  • I am a germ freak
Well that's me! Thanks for reading



Another Sleepover Update

Hey everyone!! It's Thursday afternoon and my friend and I are watchin tv. We just had a yummy breakfast of rolls, eggs, cereal, and chocolate milk. It's snowing really hard outside and there is like, a foot of snow on the ground. I don't like snow very much, it's too cold and wet. That's it for now.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sleepover Update

Hey everyone!! I am at my best friends house and we are having a lot of fun! We took a walk to the park, played a board game, did a puzzle, and now we are eating junk food and blogging! She spent five days cleaning her very messy room, but now its sparkly clean! Yay!!! So see ya later!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Reading Recommendations

Hey everyone!! I read a lot and I know how hard it is to find a good book to read, so here are some books that I have read and enjoyed and think that you would enjoy as well.

  1. The Twilight Saga

  2. The Sisterhood of The traveling Pants Series

  3. The Harry Potter Series

  4. The Peter and the Starcatchers Series

  5. The Inkheart Series

  6. Dragon Rider

  7. The Clique Series

  8. Stargirl and the Sequel Love, Stargirl

  9. The 'Little House' Series

  10. The Eragon Series

1.The Twilight Saga is a series of four great books, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. They are about a seventeen year old girl named Bella Swan who lives in a world of vampires. It just so happens that she is in love with one.

2.The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series also consists of four great books. It is the stories of four teenage girls who struggle through school, jobs, and boyfriends but they always have each other. Over the summers they send around a pair of jeans that fit them all to keep them together.

3.The Harry Potter Series includes seven books about a boy named Harry (duh) and his friends Hermione and Ron as they learn magic and go on great adventures fighting the evil Voldemort.

4.The Peter and the Starcatchers series is about a boy named Peter and his friend Molly go on many great adventures on an island called Mollusk Island. There they meet and make friends with the native people there, the Mollusks. It is a tale of magic where shooting stars fall to Earth and Peter and his friends go to collect the magical substance called star stuff.

5.The Inkheart Series has three books in it. They are about a girl named Meggie and her father. They both have the amazing ability to bring characters out of books to life if they read aloud. But one day Mo, her father, reads some villains out of a book, and read Teressa, his wife and Meggie's mother into the book. This is the story of how they fight the villains and bring back her mother.

6.Dragon Rider is a book about a brownie, a dragon, and a boy who set out to find the Rim of Heaven for the other dragons to live in because people threatened to flood their valley. They have many adventures and meet lots of new friends on their way.

7.The Clique Series is includes nine books full of friendship, betrayal, and fashion disasters. They are about a group of rich, mean friends who go through a lot together. When a new girl comes... do they let her into the Clique?

8.Stargirl is about an unusual girl who moves to Arizona. She cheers for the other team, dresses strangely, owns a pet rat, and even changes her name to whatever she likes. When she falls in love with a boy, Leo, he is embarrassed for her and tries to change her unique personality. Everyone treats her badly because she is different and Stargirl tries to change to get people to like her. In the sequel-Love, Stargirl- Stargirl moves away from Arizona and meets a bunch of new friends and starts over completely. Can she manage to live happily without Leo in her life?

9.The 'Little House' Series consists of nine books about Laura Ingalls and the story of how she grows up moving west all the time, and the hard times that befall her and her family. These books were written by Laura Ingalls herself and are very entertaining to read.

10.The Eragon Series has four books about a boy named Eragon and how he hatches a dragon egg and becomes the hero by fighting off evil. He and his dragon Saphira travel many miles and have many adventures together.

Thanks for reading! These are all great books and I hope that you enjoy them. Luv, Me

A Day in the Life of bumblebee33

Hey everyone!! I am going to write you A Day In The Life of bumblebee33. Every weekday morning, my alarm clock goes off at 6:30 but I snooze it and sleep til 7 of course. Then I get up and get dressed, do my hair, brush my teeth and all of that good stuff. Notice that 'making the bed' is not on the agenda. Ha ha nobody makes their bed! Then I go downstairs and pack my backpack. Then I eat breakfast and put on my shoes and jacket. Next I go to school! My first class is either P.E., Technology, Music, or Art depending on the day. Second period I have either American crafts, Cartooning and Illustrating, Podcasting/comic book making, or Musical Practice, also depending on the day. Our school play this year is Alice in Wonderland Jr. Third period is my free period that I spend helping the teachers grade papers or put up bulletin boards and miscellaneous things like that. Fourth period is History, then there is advisory where I can do homework and things like that, and lunch. After lunch I have Science, and then English. My last class is Math. Then I go home, and eat a snack, check my email, post on my blog and things like that. Before I go to bed every night I read some, and that's my day! Thanks!

Spring Break is Finally Here

Hey everybody!! Spring Break is finally here! I am really excited!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What I Did Last Weekend

Hey everybody! I want to tell you what I did last weekend!! Me and my awesomely amazing friends all went to the windsor teen rec dance together! It was really fun! Then me and one of my friends Aspen had a sleepover. That was fun too. Then the next day me, Aspen, and her friend Katie all went shoppin!!!! I got some cute Charlotte Ruse sunglasses, an adorable Aeropostale shirt, some Claire's earrings, a Claire's cell phone charm, and a cute headband! We ate lunch at Red Robin. Yummy!!! Anyways that was my weekend! What did you do last weekend??

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What I'm Doing for Spring Break

Hey everybody!! Spring break is in TWO DAYS!!! YAY!!! I am really excited because I am going up to Colorado Springs with my best friend and we are going to have like a five day sleepover! It's going to be fun. I also get to sleep in!!!!!!! That's always exciting. Yeah so I really want to know what everybody is doing over their spring break so post post post!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Blog

Hey everybody! i just got this blog, isn't it awesome?