Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Hey everyone! Today me and a ton of friends are going swimming. It's gonna be really fun even though it is extremely hot outside. That's about it!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tennis Matches and Harry Potter

Hey everyone! I just got back from my sister's tennis match that I was forced to go to. It was too hot, to long, and too boring!! Then my mom, sister, and I ran some errands. Nothing much else has been happening this summer. Just sleeping in every day which is one of my favorite things to do!

Last weekend I went to Boulder and had a sleepover with my best friend. It was REALLY fun. We went and saw the screening of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was 5 days before the premier, plus Devon Murray, the actor who plays Seamus Finnigan was there. He was so close that I could have reached out and poked him! The movie itself was really good. It was intense, and funny and I think they did a really good job in making it considering how elaborate the books are. But I think it was the best movie so far. Then when we got back to my friend's house, we had a Harry Potter marathon and watched 3 Harry Potter movies which was pretty fun. Anyways that's about it!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Babysitting, Baby Cousins, Movies, and Sleepovers

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while but I have been super busy! Actually no, that's a lie, I have just been too lazy to get up early enough to come to the office and use the computer. But anyways lots of stuff happening lately. I have been babysitting these 3 kids from my church for the past couple of days. One of them is 3, one of them is 5, and one of them is 7, so they are a handful. For the past 2 days my family has been watching my baby cousin who is 5 months old. She is SO adorable!!

Also, tomorrow I am going to Boulder to have a sleepover with my best friend. We are going to the screening of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It hasn't even come out yet, and one of the actors is going to be there so that should be really fun. Then on the 27 or 28 my best friend is coming over and staying for like a week! Fun fun! Ok that's about it!